恐龙:在末日的尘埃下( 四 )

2. Depalma, Robert A.; Smit, Jan; Burnham, David A.; Kuiper, Klaudia; Manning, Phillip L.; Oleinik, Anton; Larson, Peter; Maurrasse, Florentin J.; Vellekoop, Johan; Richards, Mark A.; Gurche, Loren; Alvarez, Walter (2019). "A seismically induced onshore surge deposit at the KPG boundary, North Dakota". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 116 (17): 8190–8199.
3. Kaiho, K., & Oshima, N. (2017). Site of asteroid impact changed the history of life on earth: the low probability of mass extinction:.Scientific Reports,7(1), 14855.
4. Kaiho, K., Oshima, N., Adachi, K., Adachi, Y., Mizukami, T., & Fujibayashi, M., et al. (2016). Global climate change driven by soot at the k-pg boundary as the cause of the mass extinction. Scientific Reports, 6, 28427.
【恐龙:在末日的尘埃下】5. Morgan, J. V., Gulick, S. P., Bralower, T., Chenot, E., Christeson, G., & Claeys, P., et al. (2016). The formation of peak rings in large impact craters.Science,354 (6314), 878-882.
