Their success is due in large part to their determination.
他们的成功在很大程度上应归功于他们的决心 。
6.part (from sb) 离开;分别
I hate to part on such bad terms.
我不愿分手时关系闹得这么僵 。
He has recently parted from his wife
他最近与妻子分居了 。
I hate being parted from the children.
我不愿与孩子们分开 。
The puppies were parted from their mother at birth.
小狗崽儿一出生就和它们的妈妈分开了 。
7. part company (with/from sb) 离开;分手;断绝关系; (与某人)有意见分歧;
The band have parted company with their manager.
乐队与其经理已散伙了 。
The tennis star has parted company with his Austrian trainer
这位网球明星与他的奥地利教练分道扬镳 。
The band and their manager have parted company.
乐队与其经理已散伙了 。
Weber parted company with Marx on a number of important issues.
韦伯与马克思在若干重大问题上意见有分歧 。
He has parted company with his wife.
他已经与他的妻子断绝关系了 。
When I knew all about his past I parted company with him at once.
当我知道他的过去时,就很快与他断交了 。
8. for my part 就我而言
For my own part, I have nothing to complain of
我这方面没有什么好抱怨的 。
For my own part, success comes from the feeling of satisfaction and joy.
对我来说,成功来自于满足感和喜悦感 。(2016广东中考)
For my part, I feel elated and close to tears
就我而言,我感到非常高兴,都快落泪了 。
9. part with
But not a cent would he part with!
He spent so many unforgettable days with them that he was loath to part with them.
他与他们一起度过那么多难忘的日子,他舍不得离开他们 。
She called him and said, “Take this box, my boy, and do not part with it until I see you again. I will reward you well.”
她叫住他说:”孩子,拿着这个盒子,在我再见到你之前不要离开它 。我会好好奖励你的 。”
They did not want to part with the three girls.
他们并不想扔掉三个闺女 。
A few days ago, I parted with my girlfriend.
前些日子,我和女友分了手 。
I love my dog and I would never part with him.
我爱我的狗,决不愿和它分离 。
He parted with much of his collection to pay his gardening bills.
他卖掉了大部分藏品来付园艺费 。
He parted with us at the end of the trip.
旅行结束时他和我们分手了 。
They parted with reluctance.
他们依依不舍地分手了 。
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