连载九 怎么给猪配种,配种管理指南( 二 )
并非所有的母猪都有相同的饲料转化率 。特别是产房中非常瘦弱的母猪,即使给它们额外的饲料,它们也很难恢复到相同的体况 。因此,要对母猪的体况进行检查,调整瘦的和肥的母猪的饲料量 。饲喂曲线A适用于略高于适中体况的母猪 。饲喂曲线B适用于年轻且瘦的母猪 。良好的体况管理是饲料采食的关键,因为母猪的体重每增加1公斤,就需要采食更多的饲料 。
Not all sows have the same feed conversion. Especially sows that are very emaciated from the farrowing unit, can be difficult to obtain in the same body condition again, even if they are given extra feed. Therefore should the sows’ body condition be checked and skinny and fat sows feed quantity should be regulated. Feed curve A meets sows, which is slightly above average. Feed curve B meets young and skinny sows. Good body condition management is critical for the feed consumption, since sows have a high feed consumption per kg weight gain.
过肥或过瘦的母猪应根据曲线1或3进行单独饲喂 。
Different sows should be fed individually according to curve 1 or 3.
胎儿大部分的重量是在妊娠的最后几周增长的 。因此,饲喂量在该期间要增加到3.5-4.0个饲料单位/天,但这不适用于肥的母猪 。
Fetus have by far the largest growth in the last weeks of gestation. Therefore, the feed strength should be increased in this period from 3,5 to 4,0 FU per day, however not for fat sows.
给猪群饲喂液体饲料时,最好每天饲喂两次,因为饲料中的干湿料之比至少为1:4,而母猪无法适应如此大的饲喂量 。最重要的是所有的饲料阀门最好可以依次立即打开落料 。如果做不到这一点,母猪会争着去先放料的栏里吃,这会引起猪舍内不必要的躁动 。给猪群饲喂干饲料时,建议一天一次,并且每天投喂一些秸秆 。
In herds with liquid feeding, it is advantageous to feed the sows twice a day as sows physically can not accommodate the large feed quantities when the ratio between dry:wet is 1:4 or more. It is important for the pens function that all valves in the pen feed immediately after each other. Failing this, the sows will compete to get into the boxes that are fed first, which creates unnecessary anxiety in the pen. In herds with dry feed one daily feed is recommended, when there is assigned straw daily.
温度对母猪的采食量有很大的影响 。而瘦的母猪比肥的母猪的脂肪层薄,因此需要更多的饲料来产热 。
Temperature has great influence on the sows feeding needs. Furthermore, skinny sows have a thinner layer of fat than fat sows and therefore has a bigger need for feed to produce heat.
Extra feed by decreasing temperature Fuso:
17. 妊娠鉴定
Pregnancy Test
Daily Heat Control
1.每天检查所有圈舍内是否有发情母猪 。
Every day, you check for sows in heat in all units.
2. 当母猪安静下来时,工作人员把手放入衣服口袋内到圈舍内巡视一圈(尽可能少惊扰母猪),观察母猪 。
Go for a round in the units with your hands in your pockets and observe the animals, when they have calmed down.
3. 焦躁不安的母猪可能处于发情期 。
Sows that are restless could be in heat.
4. 如果一头母猪爬跨另一头母猪,它可能处于发情前期 。标记该母猪,然后在接下来的3天里进行发情鉴定 。
If a sow mounts another sow, it could be in pre heat. Mark the sow and check her for heat the next 3 days.
5. 被爬跨的母猪可能正处于发情期 。
A sow being mounted could be in heat.
6. 实施发情鉴定的“5个要点”,完成骑背测试,如果它保持不动,说明它处于发情期并且可以授精 。
Complete the 5-point-plan and finish with the riding test. If the sow stands still when you sit on her, she is in heat and can be inseminated.
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