如何跳滑步舞教程 如何跳滑步舞( 五 )

as you raise your back foot. This will also help with your balance.
4 。是否闪动了你的脚踝?
要确保在整个过程中脚是平的 。熟练的掌握了基础后可以随性发挥,开始的时候要让脚底的平行于
地面 。当提起后面的脚的时候要保证不要动脚踝(通过弯膝盖来抬脚) 。这样做也是益于身体的平衡 。
4. Are you flicking your heels?
Make sure your feet are flat the whole time. You can mix this up once you get the basics down but
start by keeping your soles PERFECTLY parallel to the ground. Make sure your not lifting your heels
as you raise your back foot. This will also help with your balance.
4 。是否翘了脚后跟?
要确保在整个过程中脚是平的 。熟练的掌握了基础后可以随性发挥,开始的时候要让脚底的平行于
地面 。当拉起后面的脚的时候要保证不要翘脚后跟(脚要保持平的) 。这样做也益于身体的平衡 。
5. Is your balance centered?
This is pretty self explanatory but hardly anyone seems to get it. Keep your center of grity over
the point where your legs are parallel between steps. You can change your center of grity later
when doing kicks and other tricks but to make your running man look CONTROLLED this is important.
5 。你的平衡集中稳定吗?
这是应该是不言自明的,但是我发现几乎没有人做到了这一点 。要保持重心在两步中双腿平行时身体的重心点上 。
在动作过渡的时候可以改变重心以期的完成动作,但是要做到running man是可控制的这一点是
非常重要的 。
6. Is your head up and your posture straight?
How are you gonna catch the eye of the girl across the room when you\’re staring at the ground? It makes
you look nervous and insecure if you stare at the ground during a conversation so why is shuffling
any different? Keep your posture confident (BUT NOT TENSE!) and cool with your head up and a smile on your face. This
will make you look like a better dancer faster than anything else.
6 。你抬起头和保持姿势直立了吗?
跳shuffle的时候就不一样了呢?所以保持姿势的自信(别弄的紧张了)并酷酷的抬起头来面带微笑 。这会比做其他的更快地让你
的看起来像是是个非常棒的舞者 。
7. Are you trying to go too fast too soon?
If your fumbling these steps up as you practice you need to SLOW IT DOWN until its PERFECT and then
speed it up GRADUALLY.
7 。你是不是在尝试着更快更迅速些呢?
如果你是在探索学习中,那么练习的时候你要放慢速度知道基本动作了,然后在逐渐的加快 。
8. In between the steps are your legs parallel?
And also check that your foot is flat. Lots of people seem to pull their legs backwards which looks a
bit off. Your legs dont he to be touching, just parallel, between steps.
8 。在两步动作中双腿是否是平行的?
同时也要注意脚是平的 。大部分人似乎在向后拉腿的时候像是打架了 。双腿不必接触,但是要平行 。
9. Are your concentrating on your legs and letting your arms move themselves?
If so you must stop immediantly. This ties into point 6 about looking confident. Your arms should be
moving TO THE MUSIC and not too fast. Your awareness should be in your upper body and in particular
your arms. This will make you look CONTROLLED and CO-ORDINATED. Practice till your legs move by
9 。你是否思维集中于腿部的动作而让手臂随意的移动了?
如果你是这样那必须得立即停止 。道理是同于第六点关于自信的表现的 。手臂动作也应该跟随着音乐的节奏
