【紫翡翠手镯,冰烟紫翡翠手镯Smokepurplejadebracelet】 冰烟紫翡翠手镯(收于2020年)此手镯,细腻冰润 。满圈烟雾般朦胧的紫色,如日光照射后缥缈的紫色云雾水气,扑面而来 。"瑶池西望,翩翩青鸟庭前降" 。不仅把手镯渲染得更美,而且更彰显出"养在深闺也有人识"的浪漫色彩 。This bracelet is delicate and smooth. Smoke-like purple all over the circle, such as the ethereal purple mist and water vapor after sunlight, comes to me. "Looking west at Yaochi, flying bluebirds descend before the court". It not only renders the bracelet more beautiful, but also shows the romantic color of "being raised in the deep boudoir and being known by others"
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