I like to think that maybe one day you'll be an old man like me talking a younger man's ear off, explaining to him how you took the sourest lemon that life has to offer and turned it into something resembling lemonade.
我想也许有一天你会变成像我这样的老人,向一位年轻人娓娓道来你是如何将生活带给你柠檬般的酸楚,酿成犹如柠檬汽水般的甘甜 。
【this is us 柠檬原句】
- 柠檬和荷叶能放在一起泡茶吗
- 血迹弄到床单上怎么样才能洗干净 柠檬汁水和盐轻松去除血迹
- what is this怎么回答
- 柠檬加什么可以祛斑美白
- 柠檬红茶的做法
- 金桔柠檬茶的做法
- 柠檬西柚茶的做法
- 一颗柠檬茶的做法
- 柠檬酱的做法
- 薏仁柠檬茶的做法