发疯英语怎么说 发疯 英语

很多网友想了解发疯英语怎么说的相关知识,为了大家进一步的对发疯 英语所有了解,就跟小编一起来看看吧!
发疯 英语 怎么说:发疯是一个词语,这个词在交流中经常会说到,意思是傻了,没法控制 。那你知道发疯英语怎么说吗?下面绵阳美联小编告诉你发疯英语怎么说,大家一起来看看吧!
go crazy;go mad

发疯英语怎么说 发疯 英语

那封信使她妒忌得发疯 。
The letter made her insane with jealousy.
她因悲伤而发疯 。
She has gone crazy from grief.
做这种事纯粹是发疯 。
It would be downright [ sheer] madness to do such a thing.
我想他是真的发疯了 。
I'm afraid he's really lost it.
你要退学真是发疯了 。
You'd be crazy to drop out.
老这样坐着无所事事快让我发疯了 。
This sitting around is driving me crazy
司机嘟哝了一声,认定迈克尔是发疯了 。
The driver grunted, convinced that Michael was crazy
如果连续3天不出来,我会发疯的 。
If I'm inside for three days in a row, I go crazy
为了不致发疯,他和妻子终只得从公寓中搬出 。
He and his wife finally had to move from their apartment just to preserve their sanity.
狗突然发疯,把其中一个女孩咬伤了 。
The dog went berserk and mauled one of the girls.
lunatic是个生造词,用来形容月圆时发疯的人 。
The word 'lunatic' was coined to describe people who went mad at the full moon.
她妒忌得发疯,结果是大吵一架 。
She got insanely jealous and there was a terrible fight.
他近乎发疯般地追求着打破体育纪录 。
He was almost maniacal in his pursuit of sporting records
“你是怎么回事,竟然做出那种事,”她咆哮着,发疯一样走来走去 。
'What is wrong with you, acting like that,' she raved, pacing up and down frantically.
今天简直没法跟他讲话;他一定是发疯了 。
It is impossible to talk to him today; he must have flipped out.
在街上有很多发疯的、危险的人 。
There were a lot of crazy, dangerous people in the street.
当我把我的新外套花了多少钱告诉丈夫时,他说花那么多钱我一定发疯了 。
When I told my husband how much my new coat cost he said I must have gone off my head to spend so much.
那位诗人发疯了,在刺骨的严寒中光着身子在家的四周漫无目的地走着 。
The poet went off his nut and started wandering around his house with no clothes on in bitter cold.
我只是砍了一个小品剧,他就发疯了 。
I cut a sketch and he went crazy.
I'm mad about you!
你发疯了?这是我的家 。
Are you totally gone? This is my private home.
And I thought I was going crazy, you know?
要不是我熟悉了黑夜我会发疯 。
Unless I learn the night I shall go mad.
我发疯了,我就打了他一下,我想我打得很重 。
I got mad and I hit him. I guess I hit him hard.
If you don't tell me, I'll go crazy!
If I'm inside for three days in a row, I go crazy
如果连续3天不出来,我会发疯的 。
If I sat home and worried about all this stuff, I'd go crazy
如果整天坐在家里为这些事情担心,我会疯掉的 。
If you don't tell me, I'll go crazy!
I think I'd go crazy," she says. "Like I was trapped.
我想我快疯了,“她说到:”好像我被捆住了 。
