很多网友想了解报名英语怎么说的相关知识 , 为了大家进一步的对提前报名英语怎么说所有了解 , 就跟小编一起来看看吧!
报名 英语 怎么说:报名 , 报告自己的姓名 。投考或应征时填写姓名、籍贯、年龄等的一种手续 。那你知道报名英语怎么说吗?下面沈阳美联小编告诉你报名英语怎么说 , 大家一起来看看吧!
enroll; sign up;

他妻子玛丽偷偷地为他报名参加锦标赛 。
His wife Marie secretly entered him for the Championship.
人们可以报名参加这所大学语言培训机构的自主学习课程 。
Individuals can enrol on self-study courses in the university's language institute.
有意就读的学生在报名参加一门课程前没有任何参照标准去衡量各个学校的水平 。
There has been no yardstick by which potential students can assess individual schools before signing up for a course.
截止日期之后报名参赛的人将不予考虑 。
Any entry arriving after the closing date will not be considered
许多学生报名学习这些课程是为增加技能 , 以适应目前工作的需要 。
Many students register for these courses to widen skills for use in their current job
这是她给所有报名者设置的第二期住校攻读的课程 。
This is her second season offering residential courses for all-comers.
报名的教师完全出于自愿而且费用自理 。
Teachers who signed up did so out of personal choice and at their own expense.
在元月的第一个星期 , 成千上万的人在负疚感的驱使下报名参加健身班或者开始节食 。
In the first week of January, thousands of guilt-ridden people signed up for fitness courses or embarked on diets.
文科课程的报名人数有所下降 , 而以商业为主、针对高薪职业的高度专业化培训课程则越来越受欢迎 。
There has been a decline in enrollment in liberal arts courses in favor of highly specialized training for high-paying careers, mostly in business.
我已报名参加这场考试了 。
I have entered for the examination.
How many students have enrolled for this course?
这个青年要报名参军 。
The young man wants to enlist.
我必须在本周内给孩子们报名学钢琴课 。
I must enrol the children for piano lessons before next week.
他已报名参加函授学习 。
He has enrolled in the correspondence course.
How many entries are there for the high jump?
He signed up as a steward with P& O Lines
他签约了P&O航运公司 , 成为了一名乘务员 。
He saw the song's potential, and persuaded the company to sign her up.
他看到了这首歌的潜力 , 就说服公司和她签约 。
Lisa: I'll sign up tomorrow.
丽莎:我明天就要去报名了 。
Can I sign up for this course in advance?
Maybe you and me should sign up.
也许你和我也可以去登记 。
If anger management is difficult for you, sign up for a course to help you deal with it.
如果对你来说管理愤怒很困难 , 那么报名参加一个帮助你解决的课程 。
Mom: Did you already sign up for the driver's education class?
But if you sign up, I'd consider coming to the show.
但是如果你报名 , 我会考虑参加的 。
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