文章 英语 怎么说学习外语是快乐无穷的,虽然需要花费很多努力,这就要求我们要有一个好的心态,学会调解自己的心情,有耐心点,每天都充满激情的读英文,每天都坦然地面对周围地一切 。以下是小编为您整理的文章英语怎么说的相关内容 。
essay article
短篇论者 essay
scientific article
write an essay
learn how to write an essay
be able to write articles
暗含的意思 implication
这话里有文章 。
That's an insinuating remark.
事情的做法 参见:做文章[zuò wénzhāng];表面文章[biǎomiàn wénzhāng]; way
农业文章很多,我们还没有破题 。
There are many ways of farming. We haven't cracked it yet.
把报上的一篇文章剪下来 。
Cut out an article in the newspaper.
他把那篇文章通读了两遍 。
He read the article through two times.
【文章英语怎么说 科普文章英语怎么说】她的文章我匆匆读过一遍 。
I read her article in a hurry.
他在文章中任意篡改事实 。
He tampered with the facts in his articles.
在这个领域内有文章可做 。
There are articles in this field.
文章写到这里还煞不住 。
The article is not written here.
写文章要下一番剪裁的工夫 。
Writing articles needs to be tailored.
这篇文章既尖刻又风趣 。
This article is both sharp and interesting.
What is the central idea of this article?
我写上一篇文章可费了劲了 。
It took me a lot of effort to write an article.
Do they undermine the clarity of the article?
是的,有很多不友好的文章 。
Yes, there are many unfriendly articles.
文章严密,又很有章法 。
The article is strict and well organized.
有些文章则修改得相当仔细 。
Some articles have been carefully revised.
他假托名人写文章发表 。
He pretended to publish articles by celebrities.
学习时事可以参看这篇文章 。
You can refer to this article when you study current affairs.
请写一份这文章的摘要 。
Please write a summary of this article.
他目前正修改他的文章初稿 。
He is revising the first draft of his article.
他的文章有自己的风格 。
His article has its own style.
建议大家通读一下这篇文章 。
I suggest you read through this article.
这篇文章需要润色一下 。
This article needs polishing.
有人说梭罗的文章娓娓动听 。
Some people say that Thoreau's article is very pleasant.
整篇文章中没有一行是乏味的 。
No one in the whole article is boring.
这篇文章组织得很好 。
This article is well organized.
这篇文章风格明快,内容充实 。
This article is lively and full of content.
这篇文章无疑会受到很多批评 。
This article will undoubtedly receive much criticism.
他在文章中重要的话下面划线 。
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