数量的英语怎么说 数量用英语咋说

数量的 英语 怎么说有些老师在上课的时候喜欢教哑巴英语,不喜欢与同学沟通,不喜欢用英语讲课,这样其实不利于英语学习,这种时候课下的听读练习就尤为重要了 。回到家中,学生应多读多听,其实听说练习更是有助于英语笔试的提高,不要把它们孤立起来 。以下是小编为您整理的数量的英语怎么说的相关内容 。
amount quantity
guarantee the quantity and quality of the products
quantitative advantage
quantitative limit
我们要减少砍伐的树的数量 。
We need to reduce the number of trees that are being cut down.
一般估计其概率数量为67% 。
It is estimated that the probability is 67%.
等量的意思是“同一数量” 。
The same amount means "the same quantity".

数量的英语怎么说 数量用英语咋说

数量限制大都按期予以撤消 。
Quantitative restrictions are usually cancelled on schedule.
体积V能用数量三乘积表示 。
Volume V can be expressed by quantity three product.
我们要的是质量而不是数量 。
What we want is quality, not quantity.
数量不论多少都将受到欢迎 。
No matter how much quantity will be welcomed.
世界人口数量变化起伏不定 。
The world population is fluctuating.
我们已将数量改为二百公吨 。
We have changed the quantity to two hundred metric tons.
富足并不在数量的本身 。
Abundance is not quantity itself.
其全部生长物的数量亦必稀少 。
The total number of its growth will also be sparse.
它们的生产数量有限 。
Their production is limited.
它们的生产数量有限 。
Their production is limited.
【数量的英语怎么说 数量用英语咋说】它的数量确有点惊人 。
It is a bit alarming.
原材料被耗用的数量使人震惊 。
The amount of raw materials consumed is shocking.
智力是一种数量性状 。
Intelligence is a quantitative trait.
银行的数量也太多了 。
There are too many banks.
投入的资金数量惊人 。
The amount of money invested is amazing.
数量惊人的学生申请这份工作 。
Amazing numbers of students apply for the job.
在生产中不要单纯地追求数量 。
Do not simply pursue quantity in production.
数量的英语怎么说 数量用英语咋说

大臣们得到了相当数量的税款 。
The ministers received considerable taxes.
门诊的病人数量大减 。
The number of outpatients was greatly reduced.
热效应取决于饮食的组成和数量 。
The heat effect depends on the composition and quantity of the diet.
反对党议员数量少 。
The number of opposition legislators is small.
流行的品种中有相当数量的芽变 。
There are quite a number of bud changes in popular varieties.
蚯蚓的数量因轮作状况而有改变 。
The number of earthworms varies with rotation.
种白菜的地比种西红柿的数量多 。
There are more kinds of cabbage than tomatoes.
它应当经过相当数量的现场试配 。
It should be tested in a considerable number of fields.
