结束的英语怎么说 结束的英语怎么说读

结束的 英语 怎么说如何学好英语,提高英语水平呢?多少人学了十几年英语都张不开嘴啊!如何学好英语是每一个学子都想知道的问题,随着教育的改革英语在学生各个阶段扮演的角色越来越重,这也使得如何学好英语成为很多人最头疼的事情 。以下是小编为您整理的结束的英语怎么说的相关内容 。
termination finish end conclude close
不再继续 to end
【结束的英语怎么说 结束的英语怎么说读】结束工作
wind up work
close a debate
wrap up a visit
terminate a war
after spring sowing is over
The speech ended with an expression of warm congratulations.
会议结束得很晚 。
The meeting finished very late.
工程结束了 。
The project is done.

结束的英语怎么说 结束的英语怎么说读

装束打扮 to dress up
大扫除结束后,老师让值日生留下来扫尾 。
After the end of the cleaning, the teacher left the duty student with a sweep.
考试一结束,我就到校园里散散步,松弛一下紧张的神经 。
At the end of the examination, I went for a walk in the campus and relaxed my nervousness.
学校的春季田径运动会圆满结束了 。
The spring athletics meeting of the school has come to a successful conclusion.
足球比赛就要结束了,看来胜负已成定局 。
The football match is coming to an end. It seems that the outcome is a foregone conclusion.
劳动结束时,同学们坐在树下休息 。
At the end of the work, the students sat down under the tree to rest.
报告结束时,会场上响起了经久不息的掌声 。
At the end of the report, endless applause broke out at the conference hall.
这一个会议刚结束,他又马不停蹄地向另一个会议赶去 。
At the end of the conference, he went to another conference without stopping.
战争结束,许多军人都卖剑买牛,又回到了田间 。
When the war ended, many soldiers sold their sword to buy cattle and returned to the field.
时间过得真快,转眼间一学期又快结束了 。
Time passed quickly. In the twinkling of an eye, the semester was almost over.
大会结束时,会场里响起了昂扬悲壮的《国际歌》声 。
At the end of the conference, the voice of the Internationale was solemn and stirring in the assembly hall.
秋季招生工作马上就要结束了 。
Autumn enrollment is coming to an end.
结束的英语怎么说 结束的英语怎么说读

时间过得真快,一学期又要结束了 。
Time flies, and the semester is over.
暑假结束了,学校的教学及各项活动又按部就班地开展起来 。
The summer vacation is over, and the school's teaching and activities are carried out step by step.
劳动结束了,同学们一边休息一边听老师讲故事 。
When the work was over, the students listened to the teacher's story while he was resting.
任务结束,临时集结的人们被遣散了 。
At the end of the mission, the temporary crowd was disbanded.
大会结束时,王校长作了补充发言 。
At the end of the meeting, President Wang made a supplementary speech.
春节联欢晚会结束的时候,已经凌晨一点钟了 。
At the end of the Spring Festival Gala, it was already one o'clock in the morning.
