推特上约稿怎么交易?1、双方确定交易内容:首先,双方应在推特上就谁负责什么内容进行协商 。如文章的主题、字数要求、截稿日期等 。
2、请求协助:当你已向别人委托一份约稿时,你应该在推特上寻找志愿者来帮助你实施此事情 。
【推特上约稿怎么交易】3、开展交流:将大量的信息通过直播会面或微信电话会议的形式准备好并告之对方 。此外,如有必要的话可以考虑使用Skype或Google Hangouts来进行长时间的交流 。
4、Determine a payment type: Once you have come to an agreement on the terms of your work, you should also decide how and when to pay for it. It is best to use secure online methods such as PayPal or Stripe. In some cases, you may also consider using cash or other forms of physical currency if both parties agree.
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