Have you ever wondered how to pronounce the word "rectangle" in English? Well, the answer is quite simple: it's pronounced as "REK-tang-guhl". In this article, we will explore more words related to rectangles and their pronunciation.
1. Square (正方形)
A square is a type of rectangle that has four equal sides and four right angles. The pronunciation for square is "skwair".
2. Perimeter (周长)
The perimeter of a rectangle is the distance around its outer edges. To pronounce perimeter, say "puh-RIM-uh-ter".
3. Area (面积)
The area of a rectangle is the amount of space inside it. To pronounce area, say "AIR-ee-uh".
4. Length (长度)
Length refers to the longer side of a rectangle. To pronounce length, say "lengkth".
5. Width (宽度)
Width refers to the shorter side of a rectangle. To pronounce width, say "widdth".
【长形英文怎么读长正形的英语怎么读】Knowing how to pronounce words related to rectangles can be helpful when communicating about shapes or doing math problems. By practicing these pronunciations, you can improve your English language skills and sound more confident when speaking.
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