How to pronounce sexual dysfunction in English?
答案:Sexual dysfunction is pronounced as [sek-shoo-uhl dis-fuhngk-shuh n] in English.
性功能障碍是指人类在性行为中出现的问题,这可能包括性欲减退、勃起困难、早泄等 。这些问题可以严重影响一个人的生活质量和自尊心 。如何正确地发音“sexual dysfunction”呢?它的英文发音是[sek-shoo-uhl dis-fuhngk-shuh n] 。
【性功能障碍的简写英文性功能障碍英语怎么读】Sexual dysfunction refers to problems that occur during sexual activity, which may include decreased libido, erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, etc. The correct pronunciation of "sexual dysfunction" in English is [sek-shoo-uhl dis-fuhngk-shuh n].
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