1、黑人英语black people,简称是AAVE,全称是African American Vernacular English 。
【黑人英语怎么说 怎么说黑人英语】2、例子:(1)黑人运动员经常得忍受种族歧视性的奚落 。Black players often had to endure racist taunts. (2)她成为第一个被选进参议院的黑人妇女 。She became the first black woman to be elected to the Senate. (3)她写的是自己身为一个黑人姑娘在以白人为主的城市里的经历 。She writes about her experiences as a black girl in a predominantly white city. (4)据称该饭馆歧视黑人顾客 。It was alleged that the restaurant discriminated against black customers. (5)法拉坎算不上是美国黑人运动的一位模范领袖 。Farrakhan was a poor standard-bearer for the causes of African-Americans.
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