【天语A699手机 JBenchmark 测试结果】JBenchmark Ver 1.0.3
JBenchmark: 1138
Text: 254测试手机的文字描画速度 , 这项参数在手机的商务和网络应用功能方面显得很重要(如发邮件 , 聊天 , 浏览网页等);
2D Shapes: 235测试手机在屏幕上描画任意多边形的能力;
3D Shapes: 180测试手机实时描画一个三维正方体的能力(当然并非真正的指手机支持3D性能 );
Fill Rate: 60填充率 , 测试手机用小的色块随机填充屏幕的能力;
Animation: 319测试手机显示一个简单的PNG动画的能力
Screen width: 176
Screen height: 220
Color screen: true
Number of colors: 65536
Double buffer: true
Total memory: 512000
Free memory: 288608
Microedition Configuration: CLDC-1.1
Microedition Profiles: MIDP-2.0
Microedition Platform: j2me
Microedition Ecoding: ISO8859_1
Microedition Locale: zh-TW
JBenchmark Ver 2.1.1
JBenchmark2: 52
Image mainpulation: 27
Text: 129
Sprites: 67
3D Transform; 7
User interface: 231
Screen (canvas) width: 176
Screen (canvas) height: 200
Color screen: true
Number of colors: 65536
JPEG support: true
Transparecy (lphalevel): 16
Double buffer: true
Total memory: 512000
Free memory: 307592
Microedition Configuration: CLDC-1.1
Microedition Profiles: MIDP-2.0
Microedition Platform: j2me
Microedition Ecoding: ISO8859_1
Microedition Locale: zh-TW
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