一旦磁带机条目已经成功创建,用 mt 命令测试磁带机 。确认磁带已经插入到磁带机中,运行以下命令:
# mt -f /dev/rmt/0 status
如果以前已经配置了其他磁带机,您可能必须用 1、2 等代替 0,直到发现与新磁带机条目相关联的数字 。
继续 WangDAT 磁带机的例子,mt 命令的成功响应看上去像这样:
WangDAT 4mm DAT tape drive:
sense key(0x0)= No Additional Sense residual= 0 retrIEs= 0
file no= 0 block no= 0
注意第一行中“tape drive”前显示的文本应该和 st.conf 文件中设备配置行中的第二个引用字段匹配 。此外,注意返回的特定 sense key 通常不是个问题 。
mt 可能返回类似以下内容的消息:
/dev/rmt/0: No such device or address
这表示您应该尝试将 0 替换为 1、2、3 等,就如前面提到的那样 。任何其他消息可能表示 st.conf 文件中的配置有问题 。编辑 st.conf 文件,并重新启动,直到 mt 命令返回合适的状态 。
当 mt 命令返回合适状态时,磁带机就正确配置了,并已经准备好使用了 。
有关详细信息,请查阅 mt 命令的 man 页面 。
Configuring an External SCSI Tape Drive on a Sun Enterprise Server
By Carl Grammer
Not every shop running the Solaris Operating System has the resources -- or even the need -- for backup solutions like fancy tape auto-changers, libraries, or silos. Often all that is needed is a backup, or ufsdump, of the root file system, an important database, or the code from a small development project. In these cases, an external device such as a SCSI DDS tape drive will often suffice.
The following information should aid in configuring your external device on most Sun Enterprise servers that have an external SCSI connection. This information applies to Solaris 7 OS or later versions.
Configuring the Solaris Operating System for the Tape Drive
When adding an external SCSI tape drive, it is necessary to modify the Solaris OS configuration file /kernel/drv/st.conf.
As root, go to the /kernel/drv/ Directory and make a backup of the st.conf file.
# cp st.conf st.conf.bak
Using an editor such as vi, open the file and go to the following line:
# tape-config-list=
If it has not already been uncommented, remove the # to uncomment the line.
The following section of the file consists of the configuration settings for some commonly used tape drives. They are presented as three quoted and comma-delimited fields. If you happen to be installing a drive that is on this list, scroll down to that line and uncomment it.
For example, if you are installing a WangDAT 3400, the line will look like this:
# "WangDAT Model 3400", "WangDAT 4mm DAT", "WangDAT",
If it has not already been uncommented, remove the # to uncomment the line. Also, if this is the last or the only tape drive to be configured, change the comma at the end of the line to a semicolon.
Important note: The configuration line of the last tape drive enabled (that is, the last uncommented line) must end in a semicolon. The semicolon indicates the end of the list of enabled drives. All enabled drives that appear before the last enabled drive must end in a comma. Otherwise, you will get errors when performing a reconfiguration reboot.
Scroll down to the next section of the file, to find the line in which the field preceding the equal sign (=) matches the previously noted third field in quote marks from the enabled tape drive"s configuration line. Continuing with the example of the WangDAT drive, you would search for the line that begins with WangDAT, like this:
#WangDAT = 1,0x2b,0,0x659,1,0x00,0;
Uncomment this line. Note that if there is more than one matching entry, you may have to experiment to find the entry that produces the best results.
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