;Windows Vista Beta 1 中的IE7不具备添加搜索引擎提供商的功能,借助该工具包可以获取30多个搜索引擎,包括:
-C|Net (Product search)
-C|Net News.com
-Flickr (http://www.flickr.com/groups/mediacenter)
-LA Times
-The Mercury News
-Microsoft Help & Support Knowledgebase
-Microsoft Office Clip Art Gallery Live (Note: May require MS Office license)
-Microsoft PressPass (for the Journalists and Newshounds)
-MSDN (Developers! Developers! Developers! Developers!)
-MSN Images
-MSN Music
-MSN News
-The New York Times
-The Seattle Times
-Technorati (Blog it!)
-UPS (United Parcel Service)
-The Wall Street Journal
-The weather Channel
【Windows Vista IE7 默认搜索引擎更改/添加】http://www.52vista.com/Soft/5/6/2005/Soft_017.html
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