【畜牧业不仅能提供食物还可以减少温室气体排放】GLOBAL - Scientists have found that the global livestock sector can maintain the economic and social benefits it delivers while significantly reducing emissions, and in doing so help meet the global mitigation challenge.The global livestock sector supports about 1.3 billion producers and retailers around the world, and is a significant global economic contributor.New analysis, published today in Nature Climate Change, estimates that livestock could account for up to half of the mitigation potential of the global agricultural, forestry and land-use sectors, which are the second largest source of emissions globally, after the energy sector.
根据科学家的发明,全球畜牧业可以维护经济并提供社会效益,大量减少温室气体排放,在养殖过程中尽成全球减排的挑战 。畜牧行业为全世界13亿的养殖者和零售商提供了岗位,是全球经济的重要奉献者 。《自然天气变幻》发布了一篇新的分析报告 。全球农业、林业和土地利用领域是继能源领域之后的第二大全球气体排放来源 。畜牧业预计可帮助全球农业、林业和土地利用领域缓解一半的减排压力 。
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