
EU - In March, the pig prices started to relax in most of the EU member countries. Unfortunately, this trend could not be continued last week.Once again, the German slaughter companies were the ones to complain about bad margins in meat sales, calling for clear price decreases at the same time.Since the pig backlog supply kept within limits before the Easter holidays, the minus 2 cents’ fall in prices just was not as important as had been called for.The target set by Germany was followed by the Dutch slaughter companies (minus 2 cents) and by the Belgian ones (minus 1 cent).
欧盟大多数成员国在三月的猪肉价格开始贩 。不幸的是上周趋势就无法保持了 。德国屠宰公司再次抱怨肉产品销售的利润微薄,与此同时呼吁明确的价格下调 。由于猪肉存储供应在重活节前限制了价格上涨,猪价被抑制了2欧分,这使得德国屠宰公司呼吁的并不那么重要 。荷兰(Dutch)在德国设置了目标报价后下降了2欧分,比利时(Belgian)报价减少1欧分 。
- 屠企压价属短期行为 后市猪价依然稳健
- 生猪存栏仍偏低 猪价第四季度后期出现调整可能性较大
- 猪价超越历史最高位 引发全国“抢猪潮”
- 3月第四周:生猪价格上涨 玉米饲料价格下降
- 2016猪价最高或达11元/斤 明年虽降但仍有高价
- 养猪门槛增高 猪价还有上涨空间
- 养猪正值兴头 7月后猪价真会下跌吗?
- 猪价单月涨30%创5年来新高 发改委提醒过度扩张风险
- 央视“打脸”双汇:全年生猪供需偏紧 猪价将维持高位
- 双汇“猪价降半”言论引产业链争议