【兽医协会称 钝力创伤是确保猪安乐死的人道方法】CANADA - The Veterinary Council with the Canadian Pork Council says, despite public concerns, the use of blunt force trauma to euthanize pigs is an effective and humane method of ensuring animal welfare.If pigs are not responding to treatment, if they have untreatable conditions or if they are too small to survive they need to be euthanized in a humane and timely manner.Dr Egan Brockhoff, the Veterinary Counsel with the Canadian Pork Council, says there is a couple of options for euthanizing baby pigs less than nine kilograms, the most common being blunt force trauma.
加拿大猪肉委员会旗下的兽姨洵会称,虽然民众对钝力创伤致死的主意有所担忧,但是使用钝力创伤主意让猪安乐死,是一种确保动物福利行之有效与仁慈的主意 。要是猪得到的治疗无效、或者有无法被治愈的情况、又或者太小而无法生存,那么它们需要被及时并人道的施与安乐死 。加拿大猪肉委员会兽医顾问Egan Brockhoff说:“对于不到九公斤的仔猪实施安乐死,钝力创伤是最常用的方式 。”
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