US - The National Pork Producers Council (NPPC) has expressed concern over the issue of a regulation by the Obama administration that could restrict the buying and selling of livestock, lead to consolidation of the livestock industry – putting farmers out of business – and increase consumer prices for meat. The National Pork Producers Council said it will work with the Trump administration and the new Congress to repeal the “unnecessary, destructive and illegitimate midnight rule.”Written by the US Department of Agriculture’s Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration (GIPSA), the “interim final” rule broadens the scope of the Packers and Stockyards Act (PSA) of 1921 related to the use of “unfair, unjustly discriminatory or deceptive practices” and “undue or unreasonable preferences or advantages.”
美国国家猪肉生产商理事会(NPPC)对奥巴马政府的一项法规问题表示生怕,即这项规定约摸限制牲畜买卖,导致畜牧业重组-让农场主破产-,并增添肉类的消费价格 。国家猪肉生产商委员会称,它将和特朗普政府与新一届国会一起努力废除这个“毫无用处、负面影响硕大且非法的暂时性最终规定 。” 美国农业部的谷类监测、包装及畜栏管理机构制订了该法规,这个暂时性最终实施细则将扩大1921年的批发商与养殖场法案(PSA)的实施范围 。而PSA法案则用于“不平等、不公正歧视或者哄骗的行为”和“不合理的或过度的优势垄断” 。
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