csgo如何免费获得一把刀 csgo莫名其妙就被vac了

最近一段时间,亚洲区主要是国内很多职业选手与主播的游戏账号被陆续VAC封禁 , 一时间风起云涌 , 贴吧论坛各种声音不断,今早CSGO官方推特做出声明解释 。

csgo如何免费获得一把刀 csgo莫名其妙就被vac了

而5E官方也随即发布声明说明此事 。
5E对战平台在各方面工作中始终与Valve官方保持着紧密的沟通与联系,10月份收到个别5E玩家反馈自己被VAC误封的信息,5E第一时间与Valve官方进行了问询和确认,Valve公司也非常重视并对我们提供的最新客户端程序进行了分析测试,比对发现部分模块与CS:GO信任模式存在冲突和兼容性问题 , 目前我们已经遵从Valve指引第一时间关闭了服务端和客户端的信任模式与VAC检测,以防止新的问题产生 。
现在通过5E对战平台进行CSGO是安全的 。我们已暂时关闭信任模式与VAC检测,确保5E玩家能安全进行游戏不再产生新的兼容问题或VAC问题,直至问题修复 。
同时,我们正在与Valve公司一起针对现有存在的潜在问题进行修改,目前已经进入到测试阶段,待Valve确认新版本对现有风险问题修复之后,便会对此事件受影响的玩家进行封禁状态回滚 。届时我们将第一时间公告玩家并重启信任模式和VAC检测 。
csgo如何免费获得一把刀 csgo莫名其妙就被vac了

【csgo如何免费获得一把刀 csgo莫名其妙就被vac了】我们没有简单关闭信任模式的初衷是希望5E的反作弊功能和V社“信任模式”能够同时工作 , 给反作弊加上双重保护 。因为技术上的原因导致了本次兼容性问题我们非常抱歉 , 后续我们会继续加强和V社在技术层面的沟通和合作,杜绝此类问题的发生,在保证账号安全的前提下不断加强反作弊能力,和大家一起建设良好的社区环境 。
English Version:
5EArena keeps maintaining a close communication and contact with Valve officials in all aspects of work. In early October, we received feedbacks from individual 5E users about being VAC banned mistakenly; then we inquired and confirmed with Valve official immediately. Valve paid high attention to the problem and conducted the analysis and test on the lastest client provided by us; and found that there were conflict and compatibility problem between some parts of modules and CS:GO trust mode. Currently we have followed Valve's guide and closed the trust mode of servers and the client as well as VAC detection, preventing any new problems.
At present playing CS:GO on 5EArena is safe. We have temporarily closed trust mode and VAC detection, to make sure 5E users can play games safely without occurring new compatibility problem or VAC problem until the problem being repaired.
At the same time, we are working with Valve to fix the current potential problems of 5E client; and it currently entered the testing stage. After Valve confims new client repairs the existing problems, Valve will roll back bans. We will make an announcement as soon as possible to users and restart trust mode as well as VAC detection.
csgo如何免费获得一把刀 csgo莫名其妙就被vac了

About "Trust Mode"
We did not simply close trust mode in the hope that 5E anti-cheat function and Valve's trust mode can work at the same time, providing double protection for anti-cheat. We are very sorry about the compatibility problem due to technical reasons. In the future, 5E will keep the communication and cooperation with Valve in technical aspect, eliminating such problems from happening. Under the premise of ensuring account security, we will continuously strengthen anti-cheating ability and build a good community environment together with you.
