Ⅰ:we的宾格形式是什么we的宾格形式为us 。
补充:宾格是用作宾语的人称代词的特殊形式 。
7、it的宾格形式为it 。

we草莓2013年12月16日正式宣布退役 。
《英雄联盟》(简称LOL)是由美国拳头游戏(RiotGames)开发、中国大陆地区腾讯游戏代理运营的英雄对战MOBA竞技网游 。游戏里拥有数百个个性英雄,并拥有排位系统、符文系统等特色养成系统 。《英雄联盟》致力于推动全球电子竞技的发展,除了联动各赛区发展职业联赛、打造电竞体系之外,每年还会举办“季中冠军赛”“全球总决赛”“AllStar全明星赛”三大世界级赛事,形成了自己独有的电子竞技文化 。
Its our party we can do what we want (no drama)
Its our party we can say what we want (Mike will made)
Its our party we can love who we want
We can kiss who we want
We can live how we want
Its our party we can do what we want
Its our party we can say what we want
Its our party we can love who we want
We can kiss who we want
We can live how we want
Red cups and sweaty bodies everywhere
Hands in the air like we don't care
Cause we came to have so much fun now
Got somebody here might get some now
If you're not ready to go home
Can I get a Hell, no!? (Hell no)
Cause we gonna go all night
Till we see the sunlight alright
So la da di da di
we like to party
Dancing with Molly
Doing whatever we want
This is our house
This is our rules
And we can't stop
And we wont stop
Can't you see it's we who own the night?
Can't you see it we who bout that life
And we can't stop
And we wont stop
We run things, Things don't run we
Don't take nothing from nobody
Its our party we can do what we want
Its our party we can say what we want
Its our party we can love who we want
We can kiss who we want
We can see who we want
To my home girls here with the big butts
Shaking it like we at a strip club
Remember only God can judge us
Forget the haters cause somebody loves ya
And everyone in line in the bathroom
Trying to get a line in the bathroom
We all so turned up here
Getting turned up yea yea
So la da da di
we like to party
Dancing with Molly
Doing whatever we want
This is our house
This is our rules
And we can't stop
And we wont stop
Can't you see it's we who own the night?
Can't you see it's we who 'bout that life?
And we can't stop
And we wont stop
We run things
Things don't run we
Don't take nothing from nobody
Its our party we can do what we want
Its our party we can say what we want
Its our party we can love who we want
We can kiss who we want
We can see who we want
Its our party we can do what we want to
Its our house we can love who we want to
Its our song we can sing if we want to
Its my mouth I can say what I want to
Yea, Yea, Yeah
And we can't stop, yeah
And we won't stop, oh
Can't you see it's we who own the night?
Can't you see it's we who 'bout that life?
And we can't stop
And we can't stop, yeah
And we won't stop, oh
Things don't run we
Don't take nothing from nobody
Yea, Yea, Yeah, Yeah, ehh
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