gets怎么读( 二 )
【单词】consume [kuhn-'soom][k?n'sju?m] v. 消耗;吃喝
【单词】excess [ik-'ses, 'ek-ses][?k'ses] n. 超过;过量;过剩
【单词】carbs 名词复数形式,carb 淀粉质食物; 高碳水化合物食物,是carbohydrates 的简写
【单词】bread [bred][b'redz] n. 面包
【单词】protein ['proh-teen, -tee-in]['pr??ti?n] n. 蛋白质
【单词】powder ['pou-der]['pa?d?] n. 粉末;粉
【单词】straight [streyt][stre?t] adj. 直的;这里指“纯的”
【单词】butter ['buht-er]['b?t?] n. 黄油;奶油
【单词】break [breyk][bre?k] v. 打碎;折断
【单词】realizes 原型:realize ['ree-uh-lahyz]['ri??la?z] vt. 实现;了解;意识到
【单词】tucking 原型:tuck [tuhk][t?k] v. 卷起;收拢;藏起
【单词】mixed 原型:mix [miks][m?ks] v. 混合;掺入;合成;融合
Too many calories from any source can cause you to gain fat, it doesn't have to be excess calories from fats.
【译】任何来源的卡路里过多都会导致你发胖,而不一定是脂肪中的多余热量 。
If you're at a calorie deficit and just eating straight butter you can still lose weight and burn off body fat because your body is using all the calories you're eating and needing some more from your body fat
【译】如果你的卡路里不足,只吃纯黄油 , 你仍然可以减肥和燃烧脂肪,因为你的身体正在消耗你所吃的所有卡路里,并需要从你的身体脂肪中获得更多的热量
【单词】deficit ['def-uh-sit]['def?s?t] n. 赤字;逆差;亏损;亏空;不足
【单词】lose [looz][lu?z] 原型 lost vt. 丢失;失败;削减
【单词】weight [weyt][we?t] n. 重量;体重
Again, body fat != food fats.
【译】再一次 , 体脂不等于食用脂肪 。
【单词】!= 是计算机编程中常用的符号 , 表示“不等于”的意思
Soda contains sugar.
【译】碳酸饮料中含有糖 。
【单词】contains 原型:contain [kuhn-'teyn][k?n'te?n] vt. 容纳;包含
The body can convert extra energy it gets to fat as a way so store energy so if it is needed in the future you have reserves.
【译】身体可以将多余的能量转化为脂肪,这样就可以储存能量,这样如果将来需要的话,你就有了储备 。
【单词】reserves 原型:reserve [ri-'zurv][r?'z??v] vt. 保留
So even if you just eat carbohydrates the body can produce fat
【词法】even if是“即使,纵然”的意思,为连词,用于引导让步状语从句 。如:Even if it rains tomorrow, we won't change our plan. 即使明天下雨,我们也决不改变计划 。
【单词】carbohydrates [kɑ?b?'ha?dre?ts] 碳水化合物
The result is that if you increase the energy the body likely will convert it to fat.
【译】结果是,如果你增加能量,身体很可能会将其转化为脂肪 。
Drinking soda is a way that you can increase energy intake.
【译】喝苏打水是一种增加能量摄入的方法 。
【单词】intake ['in-teyk]['?nte?k] n. 吸入;招收
Humans have evolved in an environment where starvation was a real problem so having energy reserves was good for survival.
【译】人类进化的环境中,饥饿是一个真正的问题 , 因此拥有能量储备有利于生存 。
【单词】evolved 原型:evolve [ih-'volv][i'v?lv] v. (使)逐步形成;(使)逐步演变;进化
【单词】starvation [stahr-'vey-shuhn][stɑ?'ve??n] n. 饿死;饥饿
【单词】survival [ser-'vahy-vuhl][s?'va?vl] n. 幸存;幸存者
The practically unlimited supplies of food we have a day in a combination that many of us do not need to use a lot of energy in an average day result that many are overweight.
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