There might be. According to existing clinical trial data, possible side effects of COVID-19 vaccines are similar to those of other vaccines, which includes: slight redness and swelling, scleroma, pain, fever, fatigue, nausea, headache, muscle soreness, etc., which generally do not require medical care.
【中英双版 港澳台接种咸阳新冠疫苗指南】八、接种前后有什么注意事项吗?
What care should I take before and after taking the vaccine?
携带护照、有效停居留证件及陕西省医保参保凭证;接种前一天不要饮酒,注意休息,接种当天不要空腹;接种完成后需在接种点留观区观察30分钟,无不适症状后才可以离开接种点;如果出现持续发烧等现象,应及时就医并向组织单位报告;接种后24小时不洗澡、不饮酒 , 避免剧烈运动 。
Make sure you take your passport, valid residence permit and proof of Shaanxi medical insurance coverage with you on the day of vaccination. Make sure you have a good rest and do not drink alcohol the day before vaccination, and do not come with an empty stomach on the day of vaccination. Stay at the vaccination site for 30 minutes for observation after getting vaccinated, and may only leave if you show no adverse symptoms. You should immediately seek medical help and alert your organization if you develop symptoms like persistent fever. Do not take a shower, drink alcohol or do strenuous exercises within 24 hours after vaccination.
How do I make an appointment for vaccination?
有接种意愿的在咸外籍人士可致电咸阳市疫情防控指挥部,咨询了解相关政策,按要求前往所在地指定医院,登记个人信息,选择预约接种时间 , 有序进行接种 。
Foreign nationals in Xianyang who are willing to be vaccinated can contact the Xianyang COVID-19 Prevention and Control Headquarters to inquire about relevant policies, go to the designated hospital as required, register personal information, choose an appointment time for vaccination, and conduct vaccination.
接种地点:咸阳市第一人民医院 (联系电话:029—33280060)
Vaccination Site: The First People’s Hospital of Xianyang (Tel: 029—33280060)
Add : No.10, Biyuan West Road, Qindu District, Xianyang, Shaanxi,China
咸阳外办服务热线:029-33210380 029-33210444
Hotlines of Xianyang Foreign Affairs Office: 029-33210380 029-33210444
How do I get the vaccination certificate?
在第二剂新冠病毒疫苗接种后,现场由接种医院提供预防接种凭证 。
Foreign nationals may get the vaccination certificate from the hospital after taking the second dose.
Do I need to wear masks after being vaccinated?
接种疫苗后虽然可以产生免疫力,可以大大降低感染风险,但任何疫苗保护作用不可能100% , 部分人接种后有可能不产生足够抗体,仍然会有感染风险 。所以 , 即使打完疫苗,请在咸外籍人士继续保持戴口罩、勤洗手、保持社交距离等良好卫生习惯 。
Vaccination will produce immunity from COVID-19 and greatly reduce infection risks. However, no vaccine is 100% effective; some people may have insufficient antibodies after taking vaccine and they can still be vulnerable to infection. So, it is important that you keep wearing masks, washing hands regularly, and observed physical distancing.
Do I still have to take nucleic acid test after being vaccinated? Can my vaccine certificate substitute for the test report?
接种疫苗可以在一定程度上降低感染风险,但任何疫苗的保护效果都不能达到100%,必要时请外籍人士配合相关部门进行核酸检测 。
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