中英双版 港澳台接种咸阳新冠疫苗指南

中英双版 港澳台接种咸阳新冠疫苗指南

中英双版 港澳台接种咸阳新冠疫苗指南

According to the unified arrangement of the state and Shaanxi province, the relevant matters concerning COVID-19 vaccination work for foreigners in Xianyang are now clarified as follows:
What is the age requirement for COVID-19 vaccination in Xianyang?
年龄要求为18岁至59岁 。
Foreign nationals between the age of 18 and 59 are eligible for COVID-19 vaccination.
What type of vaccine will be used and how many doses are needed to take?
目前使用的是中国产全病毒灭活疫苗,全程需要接种2剂,接种期间至少需要间隔14天 。
Whole inactivated COVID-19 vaccines produced in China will be used. Two doses are required, the second dose will be given at least 14 days after the first dose.
What documents should be provided when making appointments and vaccination?
外籍人士预约报名时需提供有效证件信息,接种现场凭护照及有效停居留证件接种 , 确保截至第2剂接种日相关证件仍在有效期内 。
Foreign nationals should provide valid documents when making appointments and present their passports and valid residence permits at the vaccination site. Please make sure that your documents are still valid on the date of taking the second dose.
What papers should I sign before vaccination?
接种前,需同步签署知情同意书和免责承诺书,并做好个人防护,主动告知身体状况,由专业人员判定是否符合接种条件 。知情同意书和免责承诺书由所在地指定接种医院提供 。
Before vaccination, you will be required to sign both a letter of informed consent and a statement of bearing personal responsibility for all risks associated with vaccination. Please take necessary precautions and inform the on-site medical professionals of your health condition so that they can decide whether you are suitable for vaccination. Both the consent form and the statement will be provided by the local designated vaccination hospital.
Which groups of people can be vaccinated free of charge?
在咸外籍人士:已参加陕西省社会保障医疗保险的外籍人士,现场出示陕西省医保参保凭证后 , 即可在陕西省任一新冠病毒疫苗接种门诊免费接种 。
Foreign nationals in Xianyang who have been covered by Shaanxi’s social medical insurance scheme may take vaccine free of charge by presenting due insurance document at any vaccination site.
Who needs to pay for vaccination?
未参加陕西省社会保障医疗保险的外籍人士如有接种意愿,需个人自费接种,目前费用为100元/针剂,包括疫苗费用90元和接种服务费10元 。
Foreign nationals who are not covered by the social medical insurance of Shaanxi Province should currently pay a charge of 100 RMB per dose, including 90 RMB for the vaccine and 10 RMB for vaccination service.
Will there be any adverse reactions after vaccination?
可能会,根据现有的临床试验结果显示,接种新冠疫苗的不良反应和其他疫苗类似 。主要表现为:接种部位有轻微红肿、硬结、疼痛等;也可能会有发热、乏力、恶心、头疼、肌肉酸痛等症状,一般不需要特殊处理 。
