【四级翻译押题一】21世纪以来,以出口“Made in China”产品为标志的中国经济发生了巨大改变 。一方面,据《时代周刊》(TIME)报道 , 以廉价劳动力制胜的时代即将结束 。另一方面,中国消费者购买进口奢侈品的潜力日益凸显 。这是近些年来中国经济以两位数(double-digit)持续增长的结果,而推动这种增长的是国内大规模的基础设施(infrastructure)和房地产建设,以及发达国家对中国出口产品的巨大需求 。
Since the 21st century, great changes have taken place in China's economy labelled by the “Made in China” export goods. For one thing, the era of cheap labor may come to an end according to the TIME magazine. For another, Chinese consumers have shown a growing potential in purchasing import luxury goods. This is supported by China's continuous double-digit growth over the recent years. Such growth has been driven by the large scale construction of infrastructure and real estate, as well as the huge demand from developed countries for China's export goods.
【四级翻译押题二】中美贸易之所以能迅速发展,根本原因在于两国经济具有极大的互补性(complementarity) 。这种互补性,很大程度上是因为两国在资源条件、经济结构以及消费水平方面存在着很大的差异 。中国是最大的发展中国家,市场广阔,劳动力成本低,但资金短缺、技术和管理相对落后 。美国是最大的发达国家 , 经济总量大,资本充足 , 科技发达 , 但劳动力成本高 。这种差异性在经济全球化的大背景下显得更加突出 。
The fundamental reason for such a rapid growth in China-US trade lies in the high degree of complementarity of the two economies, which, to a large extent, stems from their great differences in resources, economic structures and consumption levels. China is the world's largest developing country with a huge market and low cost of labor, but short in capital and relatively backward in technology and management. On the other hand, the US is the world's largest developed country, big in size, abundant in capital, and advanced in science and technology. But the cost of labor in the US is very high. Such difference is likely to become more prominent in the general background of economic globalization.
【四级翻译押题三】自1978年开始实行改革开放(reform and opening-up)政策以来,中国经济建设取得了飞跃性的发展 。从1997年开始 , 中国经济平均每年增长7.7%,使中国成为世界上经济发展速度最快的国家 。2001年中国加入了世界贸易组织,加快了中国对外开放的进程 。中国分别在2008年和2010年成功举办了奥运会和世博会(the World Expo),赢得了世界对中国经济的关注和喝彩 。中国将继续走改革开放之路,保持经济持续(sustained)健康发展 。
Since the implementation of the policy of reform and opening-up in 1978, China's economy has witnessed dramatic growth. It has been growing at a rate of 7.7% per year on average since 1997, which makes China the country with the fastest economic growth. The entry into WTO in 2001 has enhanced China's process of opening-up. Successfully holding the Olympic Games in 2008 and the World Expo in 2010 wins China's economy attention and cheers from the world. China will stay on the path of reform and opening-up, and maintain a sustained and healthy economic growth.
【四级翻译押题四】全球化是描述全球社会时使用的一个术语 , 即在这个社会中,世界上某一个区域在经济、政治、环境、文化方面发生的事件会很快对世界其他地区的人们产生影响 。全球化是通信、运输、信息技术发展的结果 。它体现了个体、社区、公司以及各国政府间日益增长的经济、政治、科技和文化方面的联系 。全球化也涉及多国公司和跨国公司的成长 。监管世界贸易和金融的国际机构在全球化时代发挥着日益重要的作用 。
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