【浙江的省会在哪里 浙江的省会在哪里啊】
杭州(简称“杭”),浙江省省会 , 位于中国东南沿海、浙江省北部,副省级市 。
杭州自秦朝设县治以来已有2200多年的历史,曾是吴越国和南宋的都城 。杭州也是浙江省的政治、经济、文化、教育、交通和金融中心,是长江三角洲城市群中心城市之一、环杭州湾大湾区核心城市、长三角宁杭生态经济带节点城市、中国重要的电子商务中心之一 。
Walking into Hangzhou, the capital of Zhejiang Province
Hangzhou (hereinafter referred to as "Hangzhou"), the capital of Zhejiang Province, is located in the southeast coast of China, the northern part of Zhejiang Province, a vice-provincial city.
Hangzhou has a history of more than 2,200 years since the establishment of a county in the Qin Dynasty. It was once the capital of the Wu Yue State and the Southern Song Dynasty. Hangzhou is also the political, economic, cultural, educational, transportation and financial center of Zhejiang Province. It is one of the central cities of the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration, the core city of the Greater Hangzhou Bay Area around the Yangtze River Delta, the node city of the Ninghang Ecological Economic Belt in the Yangtze River Delta, and one of the important e-commerce centers in China.
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