v字仇杀队经典台词 经典台词v字仇杀队

1、You're getting back at them for what they did to you.
以牙还牙,以血还血 。
2、People should not be afraid of their governments,governments should be afraid of their people.
人民不应该惧怕政府,政府应该惧怕人民 。
3、There is no such thing as coincidence, just the illusion of coincidence itself.
根本没有巧合,巧合只是一种幻觉 。
4、I dare do all that may become a man. Who dares more is none.
只要是男子汉做的事,我都敢做,没有人比我有更大的胆量 。
5、Artists used the lies to tell the truth, while politicians used them to cover the truth up.
艺术家用谎言道出真相,政客用谎言掩盖真相 。
6、Strength through unity. Unity through faith.
力量来自团结,团结来自信仰 。
7、There are no coincidences. Only the illusion of coincidence.
【v字仇杀队经典台词 经典台词v字仇杀队】世上没有巧合,只有巧合的假象 。
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