You will not grow until you are tender and empty.
The one who can leave you without hesitation is really not short of you.
The loss of novelty means the loss of nothing.
你缺的从来都不是文案 而是感同身受 。
What you need is never copy, but empathy.
我推开了那么多人还是没能等到你 。
I pushed away so many people and still couldn't wait for you.
我也会偶尔看看聊天记录 看看你对我好的样子 。
I will also occasionally look at the chat records to see how nice you are to me.
下雨了 , 我说的不是天气 , 而你却若无其事.
It's raining, I'm not talking about the weather, and you're acting like nothing's happened.
我也想被人捧在手心 , 可他眼里全是别人.
I want to be held in the palm of my hand, but he sees everyone else.
他像是sir , 有问必答 , 却从不发起谈话.
He is like Sir, always answering questions but never initiating a conversation.
改天就是不见 下次就是别再问 以后就是拒绝 有些问题不需要明确的答案.
Some questions don't need a clear answer.
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