奶牛用 英语 怎么说
奶牛用英语表示为cow 。cow可作名词和及物动词两种词性,基本含义除了“奶牛”之外,还有“菜牛”、“肉牛”、“雌象”、“雌鲸”、“婆娘”、“吓唬”、“胁迫”、“威胁”等意思 。

1、作为名词时,意为母牛;奶牛;菜牛;肉牛;雌象,雌鲸(及某些大型雌性动物);婆娘;娘儿们 。
例句:You stupid cow!
He kept a few dairy cows...
他养了几头奶牛 。
The cows' rumps were marked with a number.
奶牛的臀部标着一个数字 。
Five cows graze serenely around a massive oak
5头奶牛在一棵大橡树旁悠闲自在地啃着青草 。
When his cows calve each year he keeps one or two calves for his family.
他的母牛每年产犊时,他都给自家留上一两头 。
I'm not kidding, Frank. There's a cow out there, just standing around
我没有开玩笑,弗兰克 。外面有一头母牛,就站在附近 。
And on the basis of all above, it finished the design of the expert system in raising meat cows.
在此基础上,完成了肉牛饲养专家系统的设计 。
2、作为及物动词时,意为恐吓;吓唬;威胁;胁迫 。
例句:She was easily cowed by people in authority.
她很容易被有权势的人吓住 。
The government, far from being cowed by these threats, has vowed to continue its policy.
该政府丝毫没有被这些威胁吓住,发誓要继续执行其政策 。
I'm sure it was deliberately done to cow us.
我确信,这一事件经过精心策划,目的是恐吓我们 。
I will not be cowed into forsaking my beliefs.
我不会因为被恐吓而放弃自己的信仰 。
The small boy was cowed by the class bully.
那个小孩被班上那个恃强凌弱者吓唬住了 。
I will not be cowed into forsaking my beliefs.
我不会因为被恐吓而放弃自己的信仰 。
公牛的英文:bull、ox 。
The uncastrated adult male of domestic cattle.
Horn of a bull, hoof of a horse, smile of a Saxon
公牛的角,马的蹄子,撒克逊人的微笑[130] 。
They sacrificed an ox to Jupiter.
他们用公牛祭朱庇特 。
If they go into that field the bull will chase them.
如果他们走进那块牧场,公牛就会追逐他们 。
Of,relating to,or resembling a ruminant mammal of the genus Bos,such as an ox,cow,or buffalo.
Still another depicted Europa deceived by jupiter under the disguise of a bull
再一幅是描写欧罗巴如何被化身成公牛的朱庇特所欺骗 。
A soft,thick,undyed leather made chiefly from the skins of buffalo,elk,or oxen.
Necrotic posthitis is characterized by evertive swelling, edema and necrosis in the prepuce of feedlot steers and bulls
坏死性仓皮炎以育牛场的阉牛和公牛中所出现的仓皮外翻性肿胀,水肿和坏死为特征 。
犀牛用英语表示为rhino,其英式读音为[?ra?n??],美式读音为[?ra?no?] 。
例句:Rhinos are largely sedentary animals.
大致说来,犀牛是一种定栖动物 。
They have driven the rhino to the edge of extinction
他们已经令犀牛濒临灭绝 。
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