
【菜鸟乡村是什么,乡村的英文是什么】在LONGMANDICTIONARYOFCONTEMPORARYENGLISH(第三版增补本)中,对“country”一词的英语解释是1.【C】theareaoflandcontrolledbyitsowngovernment,president,king,etc.Forexample,PakistanbecamefullyindependentcountryshortlyaftertheSecondWorldWar.” 。


很高兴回答这个专业性很强的问题 。只要是英语本科毕业的,都学过《英语词源学》,因其深奥和深厚的内容,常常学而鲜用 。答主试图借助地道的英语词典的释义来回答一下这个问题 。在LONGMAN DICTIONARY OF CONTEMPORARY ENGLISH(第三版增补本)中,对“country”一词的英语解释是1.【C】the area of land controlled by its own government, president, king, etc. For example, Pakistan became fully independent country shortly after the Second World War.” 。
在本例句中,country一词表示“国家”,一般可与不定冠词连用 。解释2:“land that is outside of towns and cities, including land used for farming; the countryside. For example, I have always wanted to live in the country.“ 。
本例句中country 作“乡村”讲,侧重指区别于城市的乡间、乡下,总是同定冠词连用 。再如:They are leaving the country and moving into the town.他们离开乡下搬到城里去了 。I am going to spend this summer vacation with my grandmother in the country.我准备今天和祖母在乡下过暑假 。
