
FRANCE - Following issues with animal welfare in French slaughterhouses, the French government has passed a bill ordering for CCTV cameras to be installed in all slaughterhouses in the country from 2018.The proposed law aims to ramp up controls in France’s nearly 1,000 slaughterhouses, which came under intense scrutiny in 2016 after activist groups — most notably L214 — published footage of a number of slaughterhouses killing animals without stunning them first, reported Politico.
根据Politico报道,由于法国屠宰场不断有动物福利的问题发生,法国政府在此后通过了一项法案,请求从2018年起法国的所有屠宰场安装闭路电视摄像机 。此法案旨在对法国接近1000所屠宰场加大监管力度 。维权组织中最引人注目的要数L214了,他们曾公开一组镜头,拍摄了许多屠宰场在屠宰动物时不事先用钝器击晕牲畜 。因此,屠宰场在2016年开始受到严厉审查 。
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