IRELAND - The Chairman of the IFA Pigs Committee Tom Hogan has said that the while base quotes remained similar to last week at 1.62-1.64/kg, there are a greater number of pigs killed at deals far in excess of these base prices.While factories in the southern part of Ireland seem to be securing sufficient numbers of pigs with limited number of deals above the base level quotes, as you travel north up the country and across the border into Northern Ireland, the competition for pigs and, consequently, the price paid increases dramatically.
爱尔兰农场主协会(IFA)旗下养猪委员会主席汤姆霍根(Tom Hogan)表示,正当基础报价维持在上周的1.62-1.64欧元/千克的时候,有大量的屠宰猪的协议价格远超基础报价 。虽然爱尔兰南部加工厂想用高于报价水平的价格,定量的签订收购协议,以保证充沛的生猪供应,但是当你途经爱尔兰北部并穿过北爱尔兰边境,你会发明猪肉市场存在需求竞争,因此,支付赠养殖户的猪价会大涨 。
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