【龙凤盘 龙凤盘是什么意思】足底落款为大明宣德年制,圈足有氧化特征,年代感十足 , 双圈足形似玉璧,有礼天祈福之意 。
明代宣德(公元1426—1435年 , 明宣宗朱瞻基年号)年间景德镇御窑厂烧造的青花瓷器,在中国陶瓷发展史上具有很重要的地位 。它以其古朴,典雅的造型 , 晶莹艳丽的釉色,多姿多彩的纹饰而闻名于世,与其他各朝的青花瓷器相比,其烧制技术达到了最高峰 , 成为我国瓷器名品之一,其成就被称颂为“开一代未有之奇” 。《景德镇陶录》评价宣德瓷器:“诸料悉精,青花最贵 。”
非常难得一见青花缠枝葵纹龙凤盘 , 花开初秋之时,其色鹅黄,薄如霓裳,妍丽无匹 , 然芬芳易逝,有朝开暮谢之说,故惹得历代文人心生怜惜,百般痴爱,遍植屋庐之旁,以获观赏之美,中间龙凤纹象征美好的爱情,边缘做出的小缺口,十分形象,是一件观赏盘 , 故而品相完美 。
可见釉厚之处出现了明显的锡斑现象,光线反射为漫反射光泽,这些特征无不体现它的年代身份 。
“进口青料为高铁低锰 , 烧制出的青花,上面呈色浓艳,有黑色斑点,在黑色浓聚处闪烁如铅,俗称’锡光’或’铁锈斑’ 。”通俗来讲,苏麻离青料在高温下产生凝聚斑,凝聚斑又产生锡斑,可以说凝聚斑是锡斑的根 。
可见青花蓝艳翠丽,颜色层次丰富,是政和下西洋,带回的进口苏麻离青料烧制,符合宣德青花的特征,青花画面颜色深浅不一,青花晕散明显 , 画面极其生动自然,不管从任何角度欣赏都是古韵十足,青花瓷是能最好表现泼墨山水画的瓷器,这是其它瓷器所做不到的,所以青花瓷最具中国风,最能体现中国山水画艺术的最好载体,china这个单词大家都知道是中国的意思,可是最早这个单词的意思就是瓷器,因为当时中国被称之为瓷器之国 , 可见我国瓷器的影响之大,已经成为对外的一张艺术名片了,而当时出口瓷最多的就是青花瓷,这件青花瓷开门见老,画工精美,综上所述是一件十分难得的馆藏级藏品,可谓是千金易得,一宝难求 。
英文翻译:Ding kiln is one of the treasures of traditional Porcelain making in China. It is one of the six kiln systems in song Dynasty. It is a major porcelain kiln system that arose after xing kiln white porcelain in Tang Dynasty. The main producing area in today's Baoding City, Hebei Province, Quyang County (the original is now dingzhou City) jianchi village, Yebei village and east Yanchuan village, West Yanchuan village area, because the area during the Tang and Song dynasties is under the jurisdiction of Dingzhou, so the name of dingyao.
Ding kiln was originally a civilian kiln. In the middle and late Period of the Northern Song Dynasty, porcelain for the court began to be fired. It was created in the Tang Dynasty, flourished in the Northern Song Dynasty and the Jin Dynasty, and finally in the Yuan Dynasty. It was famous for producing white porcelain, and also burned black glaze, sauce glaze and green glaze porcelain, which were respectively called "black ding", "purple ding" and "green Ding" in literature.
Ding kiln came from Xing Kiln. Due to historical changes, ding kiln changed with the region, the application of new porcelain clay and the progress of porcelain making technology. Bian xianghe believed that dingyao's greatest contribution was to shine in the history of the development of Chinese ceramics, leaving a brilliant page in the history of Chinese ceramics and the development of ceramics in the world.
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