

自2021年5月14日起 , 汕头市根据“知情、自愿、自费、风险自担”原则 , 启动我市外籍人士适龄人群接种国产新冠病毒疫苗(上市阶段)工作 。
我市自愿接种的外籍人士可通过粤健通微信服务平台在线预约登记疫苗接种 。我市目前使用的是国产新冠病毒灭活疫苗 , 全程需要接种两剂 。已参加广东省社会保障医疗保险的外籍人士,现场出示有效医保参保凭证,享受与其他参保中国公民同等待遇 。未参加广东省社会保障医疗保险的外籍人士,自费接种疫苗,费用为100元/剂次 。
预约方式如下:5月14日起,扫描二维码(附后)进入粤健通微信服务平台的外籍人士新冠疫苗接种服务页面进行信息填报、预约 。预约成功后在指定时间、地点,携带中华人民共和国外国人永久居留身份证或护照及有效停居留证件、医保参保凭证前往 。在指定接种点接种前,按程序签署知情同意书、免责承诺书等,做好个人防护并主动告知健康状况,由专业人员判定是否符合接种条件 。接种14天内请密切关注自身身体情况 , 如有不适,请及时就医 。

Notice of COVID-19 Vaccination for Foreign Nationalsin Shantou
From May 14,2021, Shantou will start COVID-19 vaccination for foreign nationals subject to local age eligibility restrictions, following the principle of voluntary participation, giving informed consent, self-funded and assuming personal responsibility for risks.
Foreign nationals who wish to be vaccinated can make an appointment through the WeChat service platform “粤健通”?(scan the QR code below). China’s domestic inactivated SARS-CoV-2 vaccines will be used, and two doses are required for the entire course. Foreign nationals who have joined Guangdong’s social security and medical insurance scheme share the same treatment as other Chinese citizens, who can be vaccinated free of charge. A valid proof of medical insurance needs to be presented on the vaccination site. For those who have not participated in the social security and medical insurance of Guangdong Province, they will be vaccinated at their own expense---the cost is 100RMB per dose.
Appointment process: From May 14, foreign nationals can log in the WeChat service platform “粤健通”?(scan the QR code below) to fill in personal information and make an appointment on the service page for foreign national’s vaccination. After the appointment is successfully made, you should bring your permanent residence ID card, passport or certificate of medical insurance to the designated site at the appointed time for vaccination. Before taking vaccine, you should sign both a form of informed consent and a statement of bearing personal responsibility for all risks associated with vaccination. Please take necessary precautions and proactively inform medical staff of your health condition so that they can determine whether you meet the vaccination requirements or not. If you show any discomfort symptoms within?14 days after vaccination, please seek medical treatment in time.
Shantou?Municipal Foreign Affairs Bureau
Shantou?Municipal Health Bureau
May 14, 2021
