

错过了落日余晖还会有满天星辰的意思是:在观景时没有观看到夕阳西下时的美丽景色,但是还可以看到那布满星辰的夜空,也非常美丽 。表达的寓意是即便错过了某件事情,应该积极面对未来,不要灰心丧气,因为还有美好的未来等着你 。
英文翻译:Miss the sunset, you can look forward to the stars.
你要相信山顶远比想象中的更美 。
You have to believe that the top of the mountain is far more beautiful than imagined.
志在山顶的人,绝不会贪婪半山腰的风景 。
Those who aim at the top of the mountain will never covet the scenery halfway up the mountain.
最好的等待叫做未来可期 。
The best waiting is called the future.
无论发生什么都要面朝阳光,心怀希望 。
No matter what happens, you have to face the sun with hope.
错过了落日余晖,还会有满天星辰 。
There will be stars in the sky after missing the sunset.
奔向未来,去找我们想要的 。
Run to the future to find what we want.
