
EU - During a meeting of the EU's Agriculture and Fisheries Council this week, Ministers took stock of the agricultural market situation, in particular the current difficulties in the milk and pig sectors.Martijn van Dam, Dutch Minister for Agriculture and the President of the Council, said: “Several members expressed their concerns and made clear the market situation in dairy and pig meat sectors are worrying and need to improve urgently."We heard interesting views on how to move forward. Today's debate will be the base for the formal discussion on this very topic on the March council meeting. "On that occasion we will assess the market measures currently in place, and decide what would be an appropriate approach.”
在本周的欧盟农业与渔业委员会的会议上,部长对农业市场状况做出判断,尤其是对牛奶和猪肉行业的当前艰难 。荷兰农业部长兼委员会主席马丁(Martijn van Dam)说:“一些成员表示了他们的生怕,明确表示乳制品和猪肉行业市场情况令人担忧,迫切需要改进 。我们闻到了一些如何前进的观点,今天的探讨将作为三月委员会会议正式议论这个尤其主题的基础 。在那时,我们将评估当前适合市场的措施,决心采取哪一种主意 。”
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